Big choir competition today.  Our school's combined group, the Chamber Choir, didn't do so well, I think.  The separates, Bella Voce (women) and MAN Choir (MEN) did quite good, though.  They didn't know what to tell the MAN Choir to do better, and I take that as a good sign.
I've written my first piece of music.  It's purely instrumental, and I don't believe it's possible to be played in real life.  I don't have a title for it yet, and I'm open to suggestions.

Word of the day:  WARAIMASU.  It's the present tense form of the word laugh.  I like it.
Well, I lost my first tennis match.  I'm not sure how the school did as a whole, but I didn't do too well.  There are some good things happening, but I really need to improve.  I wish there was more time...

Today's Japanese word:  FUKUROU.  It means owl.
As some of you may know, I'm currently learning Japanese.  Japanese is awfully interesting, and maybe you want to know some of it, too.  I've decided that I'm going to share with you some of my knowledge of the language, to inform you and to keep my own mind fresh with the knowledge.  If you would like to know how to say something, leave a comment and I'll get to you.

My first bit of trivial knowledge:  MANJUU is as close a word as I know to be the equivalent of the American "donut".
Ugh, Senior Project.  One of my least favorite inventions of mankind.  I wrote my entire paper in four, count 'em, four hours.  Then I talked it over with my English teacher and had a few things to revise.  Not very many, and I'm proud of that fact.  That still doesn't mean I like the project or anything.
I've started putting the music for the man choir into practice mp3s, but I need help.  How do I compress the files so that they fit on this website?  Maximum upload size is 5MB (unless I pay to upgrade to pro), and the packages are about 10MB.  Help would be appreciated.