Big choir competition today.  Our school's combined group, the Chamber Choir, didn't do so well, I think.  The separates, Bella Voce (women) and MAN Choir (MEN) did quite good, though.  They didn't know what to tell the MAN Choir to do better, and I take that as a good sign.
I've written my first piece of music.  It's purely instrumental, and I don't believe it's possible to be played in real life.  I don't have a title for it yet, and I'm open to suggestions.

Word of the day:  WARAIMASU.  It's the present tense form of the word laugh.  I like it.
I've started putting the music for the man choir into practice mp3s, but I need help.  How do I compress the files so that they fit on this website?  Maximum upload size is 5MB (unless I pay to upgrade to pro), and the packages are about 10MB.  Help would be appreciated.